Nanopore Laboratory Starter Package
Everything you need to fabricate solid-state nanopores in a convenient and affordable package.

The lab starter package includes hardware, software, and flow cells for your first 20 experiments, as well as a few accessories to simplify integrating our tools into your workflow. The main ingredient is the Spark-E2, which automatically makes up to two pores in parallel on separate chips, grows them to your target size with sub-nm precision, and automatically conditions the pore to reduce the noise for improved biosensing

Flow cells are designed to reduce experiment setup time and speed up your workflow. No screws needed, simply assemble and snap together. You can reuse them a few times, or simply throw them out. Laminar flow-through and 20 microliter internal volumes ensures clean and efficient buffer swaps and waste-free sample loading.
For high-bandwidth sensing with your nanopore, we either provide Faraday cages optimized to interface our flow cells with your amplifier or, if you need one, we can find you an amplifier that fits your experimental requirements. If you’re not sure what you need, check out our guide here or get in touch for an expert opinion.

A nanopore is only as good as the membrane it’s made in, and proper cleaning before making the pore makes a world of difference. We include a Teflon jig designed to stand up to Piranha cleaning, which we have found to be the single best way to increase the yield of quality nanopores.
The Spark-E2 system is not currently available for purchase. If you are interested in acquiring solid-state nanopore fabrication hardware for your lab, please book a call here to discuss your requirements. Your input will inform how we support the research community going forward.

Our tools are built on more than thirty combined years of first-hand experience making and using solid-state nanopores. They are designed to deal with all of the challenges of nanopore fabrication for you, so that you can stop worrying about making useful pores and start focusing on the research that actually matters.